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Race and racism

  • Man in top hat with tentacles reaching out to and which represents the British empire

    Colonial nostalgia in the UK national curriculum

    In its 2019 manifesto, Labour pledged to educate the public on the histories of empire, slavery, and migration. Here, Kimberly McIntosh explains the dangers of colonial nostalgia in curriculum

  • Illustrations of arms in suits pointing in different directions, with Justice 4 Grenfell banner in the centre with a green heart on the top of building

    Grenfell: The cost of austerity

    The damning Grenfell inquiry report reveals entrenched private sector corruption and public sector failings – and our need to overhaul governance systems, writes Richard Norton-Taylor

  • A montage image features an illustration of a ballot box with ballots coming out the side, with a butterfly above in the colours of the French flag. To the right there are photos of Emmanuel Macron speaking from a podium; Marine Le Pen at a rally and a protester holding a sign that reads: Democracie = Ni Le Pen Ni Macron

    French politics: right questions, wrong answers

    The French left is as responsible as President Macron and the right for the rise of the National Rally, argues Yasser Louati

  • A police van on fire in a English town high street. In the foreground, in front of traffic lights are heads and hands from a crowd of people filming the scene, or themselves speaking to cameras

    Rewriting the riots, from 2011 to today

    Following the 2011 riots, the Conservative government used misleading narratives to embed its own agenda. We can’t let Labour do the same now, argue Suzanne Hyde and Chloe Peacock

  • 9/11, Prevent, Palestine: two decades of rising Islamophobia

    Asim Qureshi reports on Red Pepper’s role in documenting the spiralling violence of the global ‘war on terror’

  • On a black baground the ilustrated outline of a tank in pink. Figures are climbing on it with flowers, CND symbols and a flag of Palestine. The text reads: Games Transformed 2024: No war but class war

    Games Transformed: play, jams and gamers against militarism

    Games are not neutral, says Sara Khan. Its time for gamers to raise the alarm – and creatively resist the military-entertainment complex

  • On a pale yellow background there is a collage of images from Birmingham. One is a blue plaque for the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies and others are buildings with radical grafitti on them.

    Four quarters of radical Birmingham

    The ‘Gramscian project’ of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, established in 1964 by Stuart Hall and Richard Hoggart at the University of Birmingham, left an indelible mark on the city. Josh Allen surveys its enduring radical edge

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