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Race and racism

  • Italiano: Silvio Berlusconi al Grand Hotel Trento per la campagna elettorale delle elezioni provinciali. Credit: Niccolò Caranti

    Beyond Berlusconi

    Populist, authoritarian, xenophobic and sustained in office by a corrupt electoral system – but Silvio Berlusconi’s government isn’t the only one in Europe that can be described this way

  • Young women festival-goers stand at a gig barrier holding placards that read 'Stop the Nazi BNP' while smiling and putting thumbs upCREDIT: PA PHOTOS

    Making music matter

    Organisers claimed it a huge success, but the BNP won a seat on the London Assembly days later. Lena De Casparis and Alex Nunns explore the impact of the Love Music Hate Racism carnival – and the future for such events

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