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Race and racism

  • Donald Trump stands in from of US flags at a podium, arms spread wide, during a rally

    Why did Americans vote for Trump?

    The question commentators won’t ask is simple: what kind of society votes Donald Trump President? Siobhán McGuirk surveys the fragmented USA

  • Refugees Welcome protest in London, credit: The Weekly Bull

    Ten things you can do to combat racism and xenophobia

    #PostReferendumRacism has exposed the racist and xenophobic belly of Britain. Luckily, there is a lot that you can do. Siobhan McGuirk has gathered 10 suggestions, feel free to add your own below

  • Donald Trump in close up, pointing directly into the camera, mouth open wide

    The complicity of the white liberal left in the rise of Donald Trump

    There are deep reasons for racism in American politics, but the white liberal left has done little to prevent it, writes Mariama Eversley

  • ‘Faster, faster, faster’: The diary of a hotel cleaner

    In the opening post of a new blog project, the anonymous ‘Maid in London’ describes her first day cleaning a luxury London hotel

  • Italiano: Silvio Berlusconi al Grand Hotel Trento per la campagna elettorale delle elezioni provinciali. Credit: Niccolò Caranti

    Beyond Berlusconi

    Populist, authoritarian, xenophobic and sustained in office by a corrupt electoral system – but Silvio Berlusconi’s government isn’t the only one in Europe that can be described this way

  • Young women festival-goers stand at a gig barrier holding placards that read 'Stop the Nazi BNP' while smiling and putting thumbs upCREDIT: PA PHOTOS

    Making music matter

    Organisers claimed it a huge success, but the BNP won a seat on the London Assembly days later. Lena De Casparis and Alex Nunns explore the impact of the Love Music Hate Racism carnival – and the future for such events

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